Scenes from a Car

As with many driving trips, one tends to see many beautiful things looking out the window of the car, instead of actually getting out there and soaking it up.  Such is the case with this vacation.  Enjoy!

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The bridges in CR are the scariest bridges on earth. I can't believe they didn't cave in after us.

This bridge was made of mud I think

Gotta flash my peace sign

If the driver was taking this picture, i sure hope he pulled over first

Wow the speed limit was 80, 80 kpm, which is like 13 in miles per hour.

I like what I've done here

Ummm yea, whose driving?

Very nice there

Wind mills, they make electricity out of it

Looking down on Lake Arenal

Lake Arenal

Did I mention how bad some of the roads are, at least the ones that were not washed out yet?

Cow...another cow

Driving on this road can be hazardous to your spleen

pretty, i wish i was still there

View from the top

Sunset from a car

I look too pretty, that is why i hide my face

the beach

car door reflection

oh no, the sun has set and we are still lost, habla engles?