

There are some pictures of just some of the adventures we had.  Please excuse how sweaty and gross we looked in some of these, it wasn't our fault.  The humidity reached 273%.

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i am standing on termites holding hands

we wished we were in the water at that moment

some nice german guys took this photo for us, too bad we were all nasty at that point

jenn enjoying a nice non-alcoholic beverage

this plane has been made into a bar, photo in front of it was a must

somebody poke me, i've fallen asleep

don't let the beautiful scenery fool you, this was the road to hell

can my shorts look any more like a giant hot air balloon?

just for the record, we did not go beyond the sign

Tabacon Hot Springs, water heated by a volcano, what else is there to say?

The Bridges Tour, hence, I am standing on a bridge

no comment

This was me at the butterfly house, right before they all attacked

Jenn wanted pictures of us in front of our suite, this picture was taken 1 minute before we realized we were standing in front of the wrong suite

Jenn, also standing in front of someone else's room

uhhh...Buenos Dias!

We stopped to look over the edge because other's were doing it

There are crocodiles down there, i don't know why

Preparing to dangle on the zip lines, my rigging 'feels funny'

Walking up so that i can swing down a cable

The treehouse we will repel down from at the end


Bird hunting with Mo, he claims to be an internet thief robin hood type, got really nervous when i told him I am a cybercop

Don't go on this hike unless you want to sweat to death

We made it to the pools downhill from the waterfall, I look pathetic

Jenn and onions

Jenn in front of our real suite

Me cheering that we are taking pictures in front of our real suite

Our pool was cool, way to cool, cold actually. I thought i was going to the tropics

Crocodiles waiting for children to pet them

His name is 'Cuddles'

Jenn with crocodiles, hold on!

More crocodiles, sorry about how many crocodile pictures we took

Jenn all rigged up and ready to go

Well, let's just say, 'Jenn'

Ready for war!

Zipping from one tree to the next

Will she jump or not

She jumped, i can't believe she jumped!

Coming in for a landing

Get a room

Me and an iguana, nothing to see, move along

Okay, this is a nice picture

The waterfall that i hiked for weeks to see and almost died of exhaustion and bug bites

I died

While dead, giving the peace sign

alright, that's just rediculous, get up fool

I swear i get up after this. Ow, something bit me

I hate having my picture taken

Jenn looking for her new monkey overlords

Jenn has no idea that Godzilla is off to her left about to take down tokyo

After a long down of monkey stalking...


I call this one "Jenn in water"

Reading all about how the airplane wing we ate dinner under was the sister plane that was abandoned by the US after the Iran Contra Scandal

That's right, i like girly drinks, what of it?

It's a night, that people drink beer inside of, on the side of the road...

Um, '2 babes on the side of the road'

Jenn is in Hot Water

Hot Springs!

More Hot Springs!

A giant toad, that's me on the right

The children bought a chunk of rain forest to keep it from the bad adults

That guy just touched my... you know

Jenn finally gets a date

Never burn your bridges

A vine with a plant growing on it

I saw this for half the trip, i wish she would just wear normal socks

View from on high