Welcome to my pictures pages, I hope you like


Here are pictures of a few of the places I have been.  I have also been dabbling in the exciting hobby of taking pictures of flowers and bugs.  I know, not very exciting, not like the exciting hobby of making fighting robots or finding potato chips that look like dead presidents.  But, meh, at least I am getting outside.


             Belize (2004)        Florida Keys (2004)    Costa Rica (2004)       

               Cozumel (2003)    Kosovo (2003)              Hawaii (2003)

             Mt. Rainier (2002)    Hawaii (2002)         Arizona (2001)

             Kosovo (2001)          Bahamas (2000)       Yellowstone (2000) 

     Rome (2007)           New Zealand (2007) Panama City Beach

     My Best (pt 1)          Flowers     Botanical Gardens August


              My Best (pt2, newer) New!! Vines Botanical Gardens New!!

              Flowers Pt 2  New!! Arizona 2008 New!!

              Botanical Gardens October  New!!   Leaves New!!



I snapped a few of my beloved pets, don't worry they are not all boring pics, some of them are dogs wearing hats, so how bad could it be?

Animal Magnetism


I like to capture the beauty that is non human, specifically, nature.  Take a look at some of my most favorite photos.  If you like underwater photos, go back up to my cozumel, belize, keys and hawaii photos, good stuff too.


The Great Outdoors


I have a little project going.  I am posting in case you might enjoy.  The pictures will speak for themselves.


Church Signs